News and information

This news are only related to activities done on the site itself, updates and such. To have news, in italian of course, about the dogs click on Notizie e curiosità at the top menu.

August 12th 2003 - Pictures added to the gallery
I have started adding pictures to the gallery of this site, thus making it a bit more interesting for people that don't read italian. Check it out under "Galleria dei cani" from the main menu.
August 11th 2003 - The site opens
Hacked out of vi and Gimp, and with original style-sheets taken from this site has seen the light. All in italian, apart from this flimpsy english page, you are welcome to check it out each now and then, since we are working on the english pages. If you have any questions about the dogs or comments write some lines to and we'll answer as soon as we can.

You may use any bit of info and image you find on this site however you want and feel to use it, as long as you're not planning on making money out of it. It would be nice of you to tell us what you're doing with what you find here sending us an e-mail to the address
tel. 0678344383

You dig the style of this site? You like the layout and the color schema? Well, I did very little of it, all the credits for this style-sheet should be given to the author of it Douglas Bowman, I got the css from StopDesign. Click on to their site to see how much they kick ass!

This site sections

Here you'll find a short description of the sections of this site, I hope that these will help you in finding your way around all that italian mumbo-jumbo.

Notizie e Curiosità
News and Curiosities
This is the place were you'll find news and other couriosities about the activity in the dogs in the farm and generally about Bloodhounds. Plus, if you ask questions by e-mail, you may find the answered here. So, go on, write to: and make your day!
Galleria dei Cani
Dog's Gallery
Here you find images and infos about the dogs we are breeding here. Take a look at them, get to know and love them. Once you feel like you may want one then try and come to visit us, or contact us. How? Check the "Contact us" section!
Contact us
The bit of this site dedicated to let you get in touch with us. Maps to reach us, as well as addresses and phone numbers. So, go on, contact us! phone number (339) 0678344383
Links e varie amenità
Links and other stuff
Links to other sites dealing - well, most of them anyhow - with dogs, Basset Hounds and such, checked and commented by us, one by one, with love. You think you know a site we may want in this list? Go on and send us that link by e-mail at the following address: